Posts tagged ‘design’

December 2, 2011

7 Cool Ways to Decorate and Organize Your Kid’s Play Space

by Gillian
  1. Use FLOR carpet tiles instead of a traditional area rug. They come in 20 x 20 squares and you can mix and match any styles and colors for a custom design. The best part is that if one area gets damaged or soiled you can toss it and just stick another square down in its place. (Just make sure to order a few extra and store them away.)

  1. Using wall decals is a very quick way to give a room personality without breaking the bank. They can be easily removed so when your little one tires of the design you can peel off and replace with something more current.

  1. Give your kids a wall they can actual write on. Hudson Paint now makes many different fun, cheery colors of chalkboard paint instead of the basic black and green. If you don’t want to commit a whole wall to chalkboard The Land of Nod has peel and stick chalkboards.

  1. Get kid sized chairs and tables so they have their own space for reading books, doing art projects etc. Many retailers are making grown up looking furniture in a scaled down size. I just adore this child’s chair and ottoman from

  1. Create a private hideaway where only the kids can go – get a tent or a teepee! You can make custom teepees to match your decor on Etsy.

  1. Stay organized! Use storage bins and boxes so everything has a place. I love these modular cubes in bright colors from way basics. They are easy to assemble, and eco friendly and allow you to construct any combination of cubes to fit your space.

  1. Instead of sticking kids art on the fridge get inexpensive frames and create an art gallery. Your children will love looking at what they’ve made.